Leadership is a good and necessary thing that God established for the benefit of the church (Eph. 4:11-13). Like all churches, we have leaders and are continually training up new ones. Leadership for a follower of Jesus Christ doesn’t mean that you get to boss everybody else around, but rather that you serve others (Matt. 20:26). The apostle Paul had this attitude (Phil. 2:17); so did Peter (I Pet. 5:3). Jesus did too, for that matter (Matt. 20:28). So we are going to do the same. Those who seek leadership in the church seek a good thing (I Tim. 3:1), but be ready to serve, not be served. Moving forward in leadership requires dying to self and thinking of others first. The further you move up in leadership, the more selflessness will be required. Eventually, you will never get your way! Do not be afraid of selfless leadership. Rather, be afraid of a limiting selfishness.