Our members are Accountable in The Word

Every believer in Jesus Christ needs their brothers and sisters in Christ to hold them accountable to the Word of God. All of us tend to be unfaithful in some area of our lives.  We are spiritual beings and the Bible is our spiritual nourishment and the key to our spiritual growth (I Pet. 2:2). For this reason, we are serious about studying it (we would anyway because we are commanded to study it – II Tim. 2:15).  We want to stay accountable in the Word (Col. 3:16, I Thes. 5:11).  Accountability in the Word does not mean I nag others about how many chapters in the Bible they read that week, but rather, that I spend regular time in God’s Word with my brothers and sisters in the body of Christ. This will be wonderfully edifying to you and to others (I Cor. 14:31).  This may happen through preparing a lesson for our children’s ministry, studying your discipleship material as a disciple or as a discipler, or being involved in a Bible study group.  If reading and studying God’s Word is new to you, jump in!  Regular Bible study with your brothers and sisters in Christ is a life-changing exercise that you will learn to cherish.  If this is not new to you, be grateful you have others to study and grow with!  They will be grateful for you as well! Picture a church where all members are involved in Bible study with each other.  Now picture the stereotypical cultural church where many members do not regularly study the Word.  Which church do you think is approved unto God?

II Tim. 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • If you have not yet been discipled in God’s Word, get signed up to do so now! It will be a great way to get started in being accountable in the Word!